
Yanto Robert P, S.H

Faculty of Law, University of Santo Thomas, Medan, graduated 1996. Member of Indonesian Bar Association, PERADI, Mr. Robert is a senior Lawyer in MMS Law Office and he has been practicing as an Advocate and Attorney at law for 9 (nine) years now. His working professional experience as an Advocate has gave him a deep and thoroughly expertise in handling private and public court proceedings, especially in industrial relation court within the country.

Mr. Yanto Robert is expose and practicing in various area of law such as Criminal and Commercial Litigation, Corporate Law, Land Certification and Acquisition, Debt and Loan Settlement, Labor and Industrial Relation, Manpower Dispute Settlement, Land Dispute Settlement, Intellectual Property Right, Merger and Acquisition, Commercial Transaction and Contract Negotiation, Marriage and Divorce, Distribution, Franchise and Agency Agreement,.

Maria Goretti S.H

Faculty of Law, Atmajaya University, Jakarta, graduated 2006, majoring in Business Law.

Maria has experiences in general corporate and commercial, domestic and foreign investment, capital market and securities, company document, legal opinion, conduct due diligence, drafting company provision, working agreement and collective labor agreement. She also has been involved in various work and practices related to labor and industrial relation, mediation, criminal and commercial litigation, land certification and acquisition, land dispute settlement, labor and manpower disputes settlement, marriage and divorce, intellectual property rights.

Nikolas Simanjuntak, S.H, M.H

Mr. Nicolas was graduated from Faculty of Law University of Islam Sumatera Utara;
Postgraduated (S2) in law from University of Padjadjaran, Bandung (S2).
He has been practicing private and public law ever since 1987 and handling various consultations and counseling for corporate and business transactions. He also exposed to various area of practicing such as: international trading, agency, distribution, commercial transaction, and labor law, contracts drafting, government relations, alternative dispute resolutions and out of court settlements, banking and finance, private and public law litigations.

Member of Indonesian Bar Association, PERADI, he is a Corporate Lawyer & Attorney at Law qualified and licensed to practice law in Indonesia and internationally.
He was previously a professional engineer for almost 10 (ten) years on managerial level at a heavy equipments and diesel engines company with the responsibility in after-sales services. His background practical working experience has gave him an extensive exposure and knowledge to assist Clients in technology, electrical, and mechanical engineers, automotive, industrial, marine, oil, gas, and mining.

Mr. Nicolas has been working as an Expert Staff to the Indonesian National Parliament (DPR RI), since 2000 up to now. He attended many trainings, workshops, and exposures at domestic and overseas.

He developed and maintained a good relation and network with top level executives, legislatives, judicative and members of Parliament within the country.

Drs. Rensius M. Nainggolan S.H

University of Indonesia (UI), Faculty of Law, majoring in Business Law, graduated 1989, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Mr. Rensius is a senior legal counsel, he assists the Client in various areas, especially in Banking and Finance, Corporate and Commercial, Project Finance and Investment, Capital Market & Securities, Commercial Contracts, Swaps & Derivatives, Merger and Acquisition, Anti-Money Laundering (ALM), Loan Syndication, Security & Guaranty, Letter of Credit, Treasures & International Transaction, Labor and Employment, Dispute Settlement Resolution, Banking Fraud and Crime Litigation, Domestic and foreign investment, Loan work out and restructuring, collection, Credit Collateral Execution, Leasing and Licensing, Agency and Distribution Agreement, Good Corporate Governance (GCG).

National University, Faculty of English Language & Literature, graduated, 1986, Jakarta, Indonesia.
A member of Indonesian Bar Association, PERADI, Mr. Rensius has been involved with MMS Law Office at the beginning of its establishment. Due to his service assignment with Bank Mega, he was non-active for a while. He came back home in 2012 and worked together with his “two Musketeers” colleagues, Mr. Ardin, and Yanto Robert. He served Bank Mega for 3 years as Senior Legal Advisor, Legal Audit and Fraud Banking Investigation; Internal Audit Division (SKAI), 2008- 20011. He was formerly working as a Deputy General Counsel in Bank Danamon Indonesia for 14 years (1992- 2006). During his services with Bank Danamon, hestepped in as a legal team leader to manage every legal aspect and due diligence of the phenomenal, most challenging and successful project merger and acquisition of 8 Banks with Bank Danamon ( 1999-2000). He also involved directly with the merger of formerly Bank Delta International and Bank PDFCI

Through his practical working experience in banking industry and finance for almost 17 years, he counsel Clients and delivered the highest quality legal advice in banking and finance, corporate law and commercial transaction, leasing and factoring agreement, channeling, issuance of commercial paper, cross border lending, risk and due diligence, rule and regulatory compliance, undertaking and shareholder agreement, shareholder annual meeting, corporate book record, IT licensing agreement, and assists the executive in day-to-day operational legal issues. Language: Indonesian and English

H. Azisman Rasyid, S.H, M.H

Faculty of Law, University of Andalas, Padang, graduated 1976.
Post Graduatred (S2), University of Islam, Jakarta, graduated 2007.
Formerly Senior Officer Manpower and Transmigration Department, Solok, Padang, West Sumatera.
Head of Industrial Relation Manpower and Transmigration Department, Padang, West Sumatera.

Chief of the Committee Disputes Settlement Industrial Relation (formerly P4D) DKI Jakarta.
He retired as a Special Staff Leadership PHI of Manpower and Transmigration Department (Depnakertrans), Jakarta, after serving the Denakertrans for almost 32 years. Based on his practical experience he assists the Client in handling manpower dispute settlement, collective labor agreement negotiations, mediation and arbitration, industrial relation court proceeding and various labor union issues. Mr. Azizman has always maintained a good network and relation with government, bureaucratic encumbrances especially in the Manpower and Transmigration Department throughout Indonesia.

Edward Sinaga, S.H, M.H

Edward Sinaga was graduated from Faculty of Law, University of North Sumatera (USU), majoring in Economic Law. During his study he was also active in student activity in campus. Edward obtained his Master of Law (MH) from University of Indonesia, majoring in Economic Law. Before joining MMS Law Office, he worked at Erakarya Group of Company for almost 5 years as an Industrial Relation Officer, Human Resource & General Division with key performance among others: employee recruitment, human resources development, labor social and security, industrial relation dispute settlement, strike and lock out, working terms and condition, collective labor agreement and negotiation. Edward is a member of Indonesian BAR Association, PERADI since 2013. He joined MMS Law Office since 2013 up to now. Edward’s expertices: corporate & commercial law, contract business, local and foreign investment, banking and finance and he has gained considerable experience across a broad range of litigation, mediation and arbitration matters, including drafting statements of claim and other pleadings at the District Court, High Court and Supreme Court levels, legal opinions and other legal documents related to dispute resolution. In labour & employment, he advises multinational and domestic corporations across the entire spectrum of manpower and immigration law, including as regards employment contracts; the complex rules governing the employment of expatriates in Indonesia; the use of agency/contract labor; termination policies strategies and their execution; employee benefits and entitlements; and regulatory & compliance issues. Represented PT. Bank Internasional Indonesia, Tbk; PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero), Tbk; PT. Bank UOB Indonesia; PT. Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk; PT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk; PT. Sanjaya International Fishery disputes of Industrial Relation at the Industrial Relation Court, Central Jakarta and Supreme Court. He was appointed to accompany PT. Bank BCA, Tbk (Regional Office X) as a witness in providing information related to Customer's assets to the Investigator at the Police Station and to ensure the witness's information is in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. He has developed and maintained a good relation and network with police, public court and state institution officers.